About the project

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What is our aim?

The aim of the innovative, modular OpenTextbook “All means All” is to respond to the growing need to support educators in addressing the needs of diverse learners in classrooms, schools and communities. This resource will be an accessible, interactive and multi media textbook for students in Initial Teacher Education. It endeavours to cover 60 topics in the field of education aimed at addressing structural disadvantages in education such as poverty, social class, culture, religion, dis/-ability and much more. This project is also interested in intersectionality of dimensions. The materials will address topics on the group/classroom level, the institution/school level and the community level.

This project is recruiting self-advocates, researchers and teacher educators who are interested in developing materials for initial teacher education in the following dimensions of diversity: gender, sexual orientation, economic, social & cultural background, class, dis/ability, race, languages, health, age, caring roles, belief & religion (or lack thereof), biography, appearance. It will be presented through the medium of English, with subtitles for videos, texts and podcasts. It is envisaged that this cutting edge resource will be the first of its kind in providing opportunities to build a community of educators across Europe and beyond.

What is our timeline?

Over the course of the next 2 years (2022-2024), this innovative project will create an interactive, modular, multimedia OpenTextbook for an inclusive and intersectional, multi-dimensional approach in teacher education together with 60 researchers and 60 self-advocates.

Where do participants come from?

This map gives you an overview of the authors’ citizenship countries. The number that you can see when you hover over a country is the number of times in which people from this country were involved in creating chapters.

Which expertise do they have?

This donut chart visualizes the number of contributors with expertise in various diversity dimensions involved in creating the chapters.

Donut chart showing the number of contributors with expertise in diversity dimensions. Categories include languages (66), biography (26), sexual orientation (34), dis/ability (98), class (62), appearance (9), race (59), age (75), economic/social/cultural background (123), caring roles (31), health (24), gender (61), and beliefs & religion (or lack thereof) (17). The largest segment is 'economic/social/cultural background' with 123 contributors, and the smallest is 'appearance' with 9.